Having looked at a number of bug entries with patches, and some without them, I've realized that the correct (or at least acceptable) way to submit patches is the following: Create the patch
So I got Ant working using Jim's tip on fetch.xml, which brought down all the dependencies. I'd tracked down all of them myself, but some of them were redundant and others confusing.
The best one: http://www.factorypattern.com/how-to-create-jar-files-from-ant/So now I think that I understand how the basics work at least. Now I can run the demos in the bug lists and
Am going through a tutorial on Ant:http://wiki.apache.org/ant/AntTutorialWritingTasks My earlier experiences with Ant have been limited to changing a few things in an existing Ant file and pretty
I've been looking at bugs in the Ant bug list. A lot of them are technically complex, and I don't want to mess with things I don't fully understand. I tried looking for