I created a patch for my bug! Well, the solution to the bug I chose. You can see it here: http://omescribe.com/ant/dontPrintBuildSuccessful.patch Use Notepad++ or gedit or any
Found out how to create patches without Eclipse plugins: http://ariejan.net/2007/07/03/how-to-create-and-apply-a-patch-with-subversion/ What I basically have to do is, after downloading the latest revision using: svn co http://svn.
It seems that you can only create .patch files for CVS projects that are synced with Eclipse. Although I'm using SVN, that one guy had submitted a .patch file and hence there must
Having looked at a number of bug entries with patches, and some without them, I've realized that the correct (or at least acceptable) way to submit patches is the following: Create the patch
So I got Ant working using Jim's tip on fetch.xml, which brought down all the dependencies. I'd tracked down all of them myself, but some of them were redundant and others confusing.